Check it out, I had to illustrate 5 sounds abstractly: Upper left: putting a needle on a vinyl record, middle: listening to someone else's pulse, upper right: outside of a noisy rock concert, lower left: Listening to Hot Chip's Made in the dark and lower right: the sound windows make when they're contracting in the cold at night. The Titus Andronicus/Los Campesinos! show was pure awesome. Me and a group of friends danced so much that our hair and shirts were drenched with sweat by the time the show was over. Here's a few of the pictures that turned out alright, it was tough to get any decent ones because it was so crowded and dimly lit: Before that I spent some time in Wicker Park going around and stopping by some of my favorite stores in Chicago like Quimby's, Reckless Records and Myopic Books. Next time I'm out there I'll have to get some pictures and do a little write up on the places.
Been listening to Dear and the Headlights a lot lately. They're headlining a show in March with Miniature tigers which shall entail quite a fun time:
I've been contemplating and working on my own blog again for the last week and figured it was time to give an update to this old one. After talking to a co-worker, Kim Strom (check out her blog, a very talented photographer and artist ) at my gallery job and realizing that even NIU's own art museum has it's own blog I thought it'd be good to keep my own going and keep all of the projects I do for Odwwart strictly for Odwwart.
All of these events transpired from Altgeld's gallery reception for our two new shows last Thursday night. I even got an odd picture from it with my good buddy Robert, standing next to me and his friend Rachel posing with us in a very somber, gallery like affair. Picture was taken by Kim Strom whose blog I hope you've checked out by now :3
As for now, here is the art I've been doing recently: Also this piece was a silk screen print I did a series on and I actually had two people buy them off me and the rest I gave to friends who wanted one. It made me feel all nice and good. I'm just glad people enjoyed the little strange bird I invented.
Another project I have started is to do is a comic retelling and satire of old folklore and fairy tales from around the world. The first one I did was a take of an old Japanese fairytale called "Crackle Mountain" which is just as brutal and perverse as any Brothers Grimm story. Read up on it sometime if you're not familiar ( Hopefully will be updating with more of these soon.
As for now, I'm off to Chicago to go hang with my good friends Ryan and Ninja Steve, who are also starting blogs soon. I guess it's like some blog virus going around recently with everyone I know. ANYWAYS I'm also meeting up later with another friend of mine for a concert at Logan Square Auditorium with Los Campesinos! and Titus Andronicus, which will guarantee I will be returning with an update and sweet pictures from that event. Good times to follow People.
For anyone not familiar with Los Campesinos! even though I've linked them before on Odwwart BAM!
I love this music video so much :3
and dear lord, I promise smaller post from here on out.