I've started scripting and drawing out the rough sketches for the comics I want to do and actually print myself. I am still a little iffy on a few of the ideas but I'm hammering them out and feeling pretty confident all around with how it'll turn up.
Some of them are a bit personal too and I don't know if I am comfortable enough to do them or even if I should. Doubling that up with the usual self doubt of an artist, I'm wondering if I should even do a rough sketch of them. Fuck if I know.
Life is pretty confusing in general lately but it's a nice kind of confusion. Tomorrow I am heading off to Chicago to check out the new modern wing at the art institute of Chicago which will hopefully be very inspiring and if not, there's always the stop at Rotofugi's to help with that. Beats sitting at home and watching Docotr Who, which is sadly what I've been doing most of this week :[
And for the usual music I seem to post at the end of each entry, I've really been in to the Antlers lately. This track, Bear, is so wonderful:
Albums called hospice and it's a really good companion along with Grizzly Bear's Veckatimest. I think it captures that word's feeling in a morbidly beautiful way, cover art included.
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