Later that afternoon I went to Topatoco's table and bought some stuff from KC Green and John Campbell as well as Anthony Clark. Me and Kc Green talked a bit and I got to awkwardly joke about how I killed that blog we were once collaborating on together... ah good times.
Anyways, time to dump some art:

Another photoshop illustration for class. This time I did as if it was an advertisement for the famous opera der ring das niblungen, also known as the ring cycle.

This was an editorial piece I did for Illustration to accommodate an essay Woody Allen wrote for the New Yorker in 1977 on ufo's in religion, history and pop art. Over all a very funny article but he wrote about Goethe and his experiences with witnessing UFO's so I went with that.
That UFO sure is having a good time, he loves dem hats.
And hey, new apples in stereo album is coming out/already leaked. Now with a healthy slice of Elijah Wood.